Allan Biggar, a former managing director (London) of the global public relations and communications PR firm Burson-Marsteller who became chairman of its global corporate and financial practice, is CEO of Allan Biggar & Company Limited, a business strategy and...
Big Ask Blog
All about the importance, power, and skill of asking
Prove You Can Do This: Russell Leander’s Story
At 19, after a post-high school "gap year" of jobs digging ditches in the Arizona desert and folding underwear, I realized that I'd better go to college or the gap year might become a gap life. I applied to several colleges, all of which turned me down for the...
She Asked and Hollywood said YES
For people who are unafraid to ask, the world is filled with possibilities. For one such person, an adventurous spirit and a series of asks fast-tracked her from her home in the Midwest to the television studios of Los Angeles. In her 30s, Margaret Moira "Peg" O’Brien...
An Ask Was Her Ticket to Success
More than anything, Raven Anne Lucas wanted to be a healer. A career in massage therapy beckoned. Though she and her husband were employed, a mortgage and high school-aged child made challenging the $3,000 down payment for massage school. Even so, Raven Anne figured...
Why Today’s Great Leaders “Ask Don’t Tell”
How does self-esteem determine our willingness to ask for what we want? And what is the impact in the workplace when leaders take an "ask don't tell" approach? G. Dan Lumpkin recently tackled both of these questions in a conversation with me. Dan is president of...
Would You Ask for Peanuts?
Once, when a flight attendant offered me a bag of peanuts, I asked for two. The passengers next to me, a couple in their thirties, turned their heads in my direction, eyebrows lifted, as if I’d asked for the entire snack cart. Their heads whipped back to the flight...